Mould & condensation

Here are our top tips for reducing mould and condensation in your homes this winter!

What is mould and condensation?

Mould and condensation appear in your home when the air is too wet. Condensation often occurs on windows when they steam up. This is when warm, moist air comes into contact with a cooler surface. Black spot mould can start to grow in your home when there is too much condensation. It can grow on walls, ceilings and furniture. Black spot mould is prejudicial to health.

Where does condensation come from?

Moisture in your home can come from cooking, having a bath, breathing, drying your clothes indoors, and taking a shower. The good news is you can reduce the moisture in your home by following these top tips!

Tip 1: Try to keep your home warm and at a constant temperature. Leave internal doors open so air can flow around your home.

Tip 2: Put a lid on your pans when cooking, and only use as much water as you need.

Tip 3: Use your extractor fan if you have one. If not, open a window to let steam out.

Tip 4: If you have window vents, make sure they are open to help the airflow in your home.

Tip 5: Open your windows when cooking, showering, or having a bath. When running a bath, put cold water in first, then add the hot. This reduces steam by up to 90%.

Tip 6: If you can, hang washing outside to dry.

Tip 7: If you’re drying your clothes inside, please:

  • Do not put wet clothes on your radiators
  • Put them in the bathroom with the heating on.
  • Use a clothes drier.
  • Close the bathroom door and keep a window slightly open or put the extractor fan on.

Tip 8: If you use a tumble dryer, make sure you have a vent to outside, unless you have a condenser dryer.

Tip 9: Wipe away any water lying on your windows and sills in the morning.

Tip 10: Don’t put furniture or beds directly against a wall to allow air to circulate.

Important things to know:

By working together we can all reduce mould and condensation in our homes. To help with this, please remember:

Our responsibilities are to:

  • Respond promptly to reports of mould and condensation.
  • Provide you with information and advice to reduce condensation in your home.

You can help by:

  • Following our advice to minimise condensation in your home.
  • Promptly reporting any issues with mould and condensation in your home.
  • To report a problem, you can:
    • Call us on 01824 706000
    • Email us at
    • Online us