Changes to your tenancy

There are a number of changes that can be made or have an impact on your tenancy, including:

Change of name

If you would like to change your name on your tenancy agreement, then you will need to complete a ‘Change of Name’ form by either:

  • Completing the online form
  • Contacting us

The form will need to be completed, signed with your old and new signature and returned with a copy of a document showing your legally changed name.  For example:

  • Marriage/ civil partnership certificate
  • Divorce - Decree Absolute of divorce
  • Name Change – Deed of Name Change

Can I take a person off my tenancy? - joint to sole tenancy

We are not able to ‘remove’ a name from a joint tenancy.If you or the other tenant want to remove a name, you will need to end the current tenancy.To do this, you should contact your Housing Officer.

There are only two circumstances in which a joint tenancy can become a sole tenancy.

  1. By Court Order -  A Property Adjustment Order made by a County Court ordering the transfer of the tenancy from joint names to the sole name of one party
  2. When a joint tenant passes away - the joint tenancy will become a sole tenancy. This is called “Succession”.

For more information about changing your tenancy, please contact us.

Can I add a person to my tenancy? - Sole to joint tenancy

Unfortunately, we are not able to add someone else onto a sole tenancy.If you have a sole tenancy, you can apply to us to consider granting a new joint tenancy with someone who you currently live with.A joint tenancy would normally only be issued to a couple who are married, civil partners, or have been living together as married or civil partners for at least 12 months.

Please note that for us to be able to create a new, joint tenancy, your existing sole tenancy will have to be ended.Once a joint tenancy has been created, it can’t be altered or amended so we recommend you get independent advice from either Shelter Cymru or Citizen’s Advice Denbighshire.

If you could like to apply to add someone to your tenancy, please click here and provide us with all the supporting documents.